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2021년 6월 10일


[미국대학입시] 대학 리스트 선택 기준은?
SAT Optional, 대학 랭킹은 참고 자료에 불과해


Apex Ivy 대표 Alex Min

미국대학 입시를 앞둔 12학년 학생 및 학부모들이 지원대학 리스트를 만드는 것은 보다 복합적인 요소를 참고해야 하는 과정이 되었다. GPA와 SAT 점수를 자신의 지표로 삼고 US News를 펼친 후, 위에서부터 훑어 내려가며 리스트를 작성하는 고전적인 방법이나, Naviance, CIALFO, MaiaLearning, Bridge U 등 대학 지원 관리 플랫폼을 통해 GPA-SAT 산점도를 비교하며 대학 리스트를 다듬어 가는 방법도 의미를 잃어가고 있다.

미국 대학입시에서 SAT가 Optional이 되면서 아이비리그를 비롯한 주립대에서도 GPA-SAT 산점도 합격 가능성을 예측하는 것은 더 이상 불가능하다또한 버클리, LA부터 San Diego, Riverside까지 UC 대학에 지원하는 학생들에게는 캘리포니아 주 법원에서 SAT 대학 입시에 영향력을 행사하는 것 자체를 불법화하면서 더 큰 혼란 야기되고 있다

대학 리스트를 만들기 위해 학생과 학부모들은 아카데믹 데이터에 대한 절대적인 의존도를 줄이는 동시에 US News와 같은 가장 인기 있는 미국 대학 랭킹 목록을 맹목적으로 따르는 것을 삼가야 한다. 또한 아이비리그, Ivy Peer, New Ivy, B-Ivies 등 전통적 순위가 아닌자신의 가치와 목표가 무엇인지 뚜렷하게 세우면서 대학탐색을 진행하고, 편견에서 벗어나 다양한 대학 랭킹 체계를 깊이 있게 들여다보며 리스트 탐색의 여정을 시작해야 한다. 이 위해, 가장 인기 있는 두개의 대학 랭킹을 검토하려 한다. 

US News Best Colleges

Outcome (40%): 대부분의 학생들에게 졸업률, 취업, 대학원 진학률 등이 가장 중요하지만, US News는 재정 지원을 제공함으로써 학생 부채 낮 대학에 높은 점수를 부여하는 것에 큰 비중을 두고 있Pell Grant등 연방 재정 지원을 받는 학생들을 더 많 입학시키는 대학에 상당한 이점을 주고 있다.

교직원(20%): 수업 규모, 학생 대 교수 비율, 평균 교수 급여 및 전임 교수 비율 등이 포함된다. 학생보다 직원의 경험에 초점을 맞춘 US News는 근로자인 교수진의 만족도에 집중한다.

타 대학 동료의 의견(20%): 비공식적으로 동료평가라고 불리는 이 섹션은 대학 총장, 입학처장 등 대학 동료들의 의견 랭킹 알고리즘에 상당 부분 포함시킨다. 

우수 학생(7%): 합격생에 대한 SAT/ACT 및 GPA자료에 7%라는 미미한 비중을 두며 US News 랭킹은 입학전형 예측 자료로 의존하기 어려운 데이터가 되었다.

미국 대학 랭킹 중 가장 인기가 높은 US News는 학습 경험이나 취업, 대학원 진학률 등 학생 성보다는 정치적 요소에 무게가 실으면서 지원생을 위한 레퍼런스 기능을 잃어가고 있다.

월스트리트 저널/Times Higher Education

Outcome (40%): 졸업률, 취업 후 연봉, 학자금 부채, 학업 평판 등 학생의 성공을 지표로 직접 삼는 변수에 가장 많은 무게를 싣고 있다.

리소스 (30%): 대학이 학생 1인당 책정한 예산, 학생 대 교수 비율, 교수 1인당 작성한 평균 연구논문수를 고려하며 교육의 질을 측정한다.

학생 경험 (20%): 학생의 학습 경험, 만족 지수, 교수의 상호작용의 질 등을 점검하여 재학 시 학생의 경험을 중시한다.

환경(10%) : 유학생 비율, 문화 소수자, 교수진의 다양성 등을 통해 학습 환경을 파악한다.

리소스, 학생 경험 및 환경이 대학 순위 알고리즘의 60%를 차지함에 따라 대학 재학 중 학생 경험을 파악하는 데 탁월하다. 또한 졸업  취업 등 학생성과에 40%의 비중을 두고 있으며, 대부분의 한국 학생들과 학부모들이 중시하는 요소들에 대해 비교적 적절한 역할을 톡톡히 하고 있다.

대학 랭킹은 지원대학 리스트를 작성하는데 참고자료가 될 수는 있지만, 더욱 중요한 것은 각 대학에서 제공하는 전공, 수업, 리소스, 인턴십, 지역 산업, 진로 구축 기회, 학부 연구 프로그램, 학생 동아리 단체 등 세부사항의 디테일을 확인하여야 한다. 이는 에세이 작성 및 인터뷰 준비에 도움이 될 뿐 아니라, 미래 목표와 비전에 가장 일치하는 대학을 찾기 위함이다. 위에 언급한 대학 랭킹 외에도  알려져 있지는 않지만 오직 취업  연봉에 무게를 두고 리스트를 발표한 랭킹  집중과 목표가 각기 다른 시스템이 있으니 본인에게 맞는 랭킹을 참고하고, 자신만의 명확한 기준치를 가지고 있을 때 대학에서 성공적인 최대의 결과를 낼 수 있음을 명심하고 준비하도록 하자.

알렉스 민 원장(Alex Min) 원장

Apex Ivy – 에이펙스 아이비 컨설팅

문의 02-3444-6753~5, www.apexivy.net


<영문 버전>

There was a time when creating a college list for rising seniors and their parents had a simple beginning. Using the GPA and SAT scores as references, one would open up US News, start from the top and go straight down, jotting down the college names that spark interest to create the initial college list. Comparing this initial list with their own school’s statistics, which may be Naviance or an equivalent college application management platform such as CIAFLO, MaiaLearning, or Bridge U to name just some of the most common ones, students would study the GPA – SAT scattergram to determine which colleges they should keep, add, or delete from their initial college list.

However, with the reduced weight of the SAT in US college admissions due to the SAT optional policy, whether a student is considering the most competitive Ivy League or a state university, the GPA – SAT scattergram has become significantly less effective at predicting acceptance possibility. Moreover, for students who are interested in applying to UC colleges, whether Berkeley and LA or Riverside and Merced, the State of California’s court decision to make it illegal to consider SAT as any influence in college admission raises more confusion.

To build the most effective college list, students and parents should decrease their reliance on academic numbers, and also refrain from blindly following the most popular college ranking system such as US News. Also, while traditional lists such as Ivy League, Ivy Peer, New Ivy, and B-Ivies can be considered for historic prestige value, students and parents should begin their college search by considering what their values and goals are, and begin their journey of creating the initial college list by looking deeply into various college ranking systems by first understanding the main factors that are considered by different college ranking systems. To assist with this journey, two of the most popular college ranking systems will be studied in this article.

US News Best Colleges and Universities

  • Outcomes (40%): Student debt, graduation rates, and social mobility.
    While graduation rate is very important for every student, US News places an extreme amount of emphasis on giving higher rankings to colleges that lower student debt by providing more financial aid, and also gives a significant advantage to colleges that admit more students who receive federal financial aid such as the Pell Grant.
  • Faculty Resources (20%): Receiving half the weight of Outcomes, this criteria includes class size, student to faculty ratio, average faculty salary, and proportion of full time faculty. Focused only on faculty data with no consideration for student experience, US News provides ranking advantages to colleges with happier faculty rather than happier students.
  • Expert Opinion (20%): Unofficially called the peer evaluation, opinions of colleagues from other colleges, such as college presidents and admissions deans also comprise a large portion of the ranking algorithm. Unfortunately for most students, what college faculty from other colleges think of their college is much less important than what employers and industry leaders think of their college.
  • Student Excellence (7%): The meager 7% allotted to SAT/ACT scores and high school class rank for accepted students makes US News college rankings a difficult resource to rely on in predicting admission results.

Being the most popular American college ranking system, US News has received so much political backlash that its ranking system has become biased toward measuring for politically correct factors rather than student outcomes such as learning experience, employment, or graduate school admission rate.

Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education College Rankings

  • Outcomes (40%): Most weight is placed on the variables that directly consider student success, such as graduation rate, salary after graduation, student debt after graduation, and academic reputation.
  • Resources (30%): How much money is spent by the university per student, student to faculty ratio, research papers written per faculty are considered.
  • Engagement (20%): By directly surveying student opinions, student learning experiences, likelihood of recommending their college to others, and quality of interaction with faculty directly inspects what experiences a student may have by attending the college.
  • Environment (10%): Student diversity, proportion of international students, cultural minorities, and faculty diversity are used to determine what the learning environment may be like.

With Resources, Engagement, and Environment taking up 60% of the ranking algorithm, this college ranking system excels at capturing student experiences while at college. With 40% of the weight distributed to student focused outcomes such as graduation and employment, Wall Street Journal does a significantly better job at providing a good overview of the factors that most Korean students and parents will care more about than the variables that are considered in US News college rankings.

While college rankings can provide a good launchpad for creating the initial college list, students must branch into studying details such as the majors that are available, what the major’s required classes and resources are like, career building opportunities such as internships and local industry, undergraduate research programs, and extracurricular opportunities such as student organizations. Knowing these details are necessary not only to write stellar essays and to do well at the college interview, but also to find the college that most closely aligns with a student’s personal vision of success in and the life beyond college.

Alex Min

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